Νεα Περιφερειακή Οδός, Όπισθεν Λαχαναγοράς


The company “THESSALONIKI EXPRESS” “KOURTIDIS E. – POPPIS H. O.E” is active in the field of road transport Containers throughout Greece. It was founded in 1992 by Mr. Kourtidis Eleftherios and Mr. Poppis Elias.

Address :
New Ring Road
Reverse Vegetable Market
Thessaloniki P.C.54628
Telephone : (+30)2310 773773-4, 765518
Fax: (+30)2310 762068
Working hours :
Monday – Friday : 08:00 – 18:00
Saturday : 08:00 – 17:00
Closed on Sundays

The headquarters of our company is Thessaloniki and more specifically our facilities are located on the New Ring Road, behind the Vegetable Market near the Port of Thessaloniki (OLTH) and the industrial area of Thessaloniki (VIPETH)